Roast Whole Haddock

This was an amalgam of recipes found online due to it being a little thrown together.

Started by drying the fish thoroughly with paper towels, slashing the fish on both sides to the bone, and running the old chap all over with olive oil and seasoning. He was then popped in a 200c oven for 10 minutes.

I have been feeling a little over garlic-ed, so though it would undoubtedly improve matters, I omitted the little allium on this occasion.

I prepared the broccoli, and put a pan of salted water on the burner. Sliced the lemon, grabbed the capers and battoned the bacon. Then at the 10 minute mark I slotted each into and onto the fish. At this point I regretted not having some herbs at hand, but time is of the essence, so back in the oven he went, for another 10 minutes.

And into the boiling water went the broccoli, once barely Al dente I decided that I’d like them slightly crisp, so I drained them and threw them in with the haddock for the final 5 minutes.

The fish was beautifully moist and flaked away from the fork, so ready to eat.

All I would say is that it lacked a little colour, a hit of salt and surface char. Worth a higher temperature for a shorter time, or a minute under a grill at the end, perhaps.