Miso Broth

This is a healthy, hearty and homely broth, absolutely packed with goodness and rather quick and easy to boot.

I am deeply sceptical that this is even remotely authentic Japanese cuisine, there’s a lot of stuff going on here that does not strike me as Japanese. But it absolutely doesn’t matter.

It’s tasty and virtuous.

I packed it with double the stated chicken, because the pack of chicken came with two breasts… And realistically I’m not going to find another use for the second one in time. I’d do that again, no regrets.

More of a regret is not having a good proper stock. Which undoubtedly would have pushed it to another level. But the jelly stock pot thingy worked and is quick and convenient.

From Jamie Oliver – https://www.jamieoliver.com/recipes/chicken-recipes/super-tasty-miso-broth/