Brownies Part Two

Using the previously mentioned showdown written up here as inspiration for the next step in the brownie perfecting process, I decided to try the King Arthur’s Flour recipe as well as the Supernatural recipe.


Such a different technique, beating the eggs with the cocoa to being with, then feeding into that the melted butter. A few notes, I would use caster sugar in the future as you’re looking to dissolve it in the butter, so why not speed that process up a little? I also used a shot of real espresso, because if you can then why not? The suggested temperature of the butter of 120f is just 48c, so actually be prepared to do this slowly… I did not, mostly as I was trying the dissolve the granulated sugar unsuccessfully.

And then there’s the baking powder! Good lord, why is that there?

These were very nice once cooled out of the oven, lovely, balanced flavour and a decent mostly cakey texture… There’s a real sense that this has been developed by a professional over time. However I’m never one for cakey brownies, so I was ready to be done with the recipe… A day later though… Ooo boy these things mature incredibly. The cakeyness condenses into something approaching fudginess and I am very OK with this. Very, very good brownies.

Again, I arguably over cooked these at around 25 minutes in my 8×8 inch pan. I need to learn that these need absolutely no more than 23 minutes in that thing… Maybe less.

The flavour of the Tartine brownie is still superior, for me… The cocoa chocolate base is just a little less pleasing than a chocolate base. The texture might still be better also… But this is damn fine and could be tweaked… Some brown sugar? Dropping a little cocoa for melted chocolate? A little less baking powder? No baking powder? Whipping the eggs more instead of baking powder? I fear that one might fundamentally change things and ruin it, but it’s a thought…


A slightly more familiar set of brownie instructions to this one, and nothing wrong it… In fact the addition of dark brown sugar is a good one, adding that roundness of flavour I feel refined sugar alone misses. But the hit of chocolate is not there, and texture isn’t there. I also overcooked these ones in fairness, so I’m possibly not giving it a fair shake at the stick. But if I’m going to iterate on any it has to be one that comes out a little closer to perfect than this.


People love the Tasty brownies so much I feel I need to have another go at that one, or perhaps at least examine and reconcile the differences with the Tartine brownie, which is real similar.

Tartine and KAF brownies can be iterated on, mostly to not overcook them, but also to refine specific aspects that I want to emphasise.

Justin Gellatly has a brownie in Bread, Cake Doughtnut, Pudding (pg. 203) that should be tried. He’s the definition of reliable.

I’ve skipped the Sally’s Baking Addiction brownie as something quite that chewy sounding didn’t seem right… But perhaps I’m missing out. There’s also the The Kitchn brownie… But perhaps this is getting out of hand?