Courgetti with pesto and baked ricotta

The two things that blew me away here were the home made pesto and the baked ricotta. Both such simple, delicious elements in so many dishes.

The pesto, toasted nuts – here pistachio – with a handful of basil and a handful of mint. Finish with seasoning and a few tablespoons of olive oil and whizz it in the chopper, until potato-like. Very quick and entirely delicious.

The ricotta, dumped in a pile onto a tray like a sandcastle from a bucket, a zested lemon, a sprinkle of chili, a good squeeze of honey. In this case ten minutes in the oven, however I think I’d maybe even double that to push out a little more moisture. The result here was tricky to combine with the courgetti, ending up a splodge on top. Nonetheless I ate the lot from the tray after I finished my main plate.

The courgetti itself I wasn’t quite happy with, it didn’t stay hot for long enough on the plate. I think warming it in the boiled water, then combining it in a hot pan with the pesto would be better.

From Anna Jones – a modern way to cook, pg…..