No-Bake Cheesecake and Red Berry Coulis

An extremely nice recipe I would happily try again.  Although not exactly on trend there is a part of me that is beginning to suspect that I simply prefer non-baked cheesecakes… Further investigation required before the statement can be made definitively though.

The cheesy mix is a delight and I’d change little.  The base was a homemade ginger nut, which is one of my favourite biscuit recipes.  Perhaps Graham crackers are not sweet, but certainly what I can say about this is that the extra sugar when crumbling the base is not required.

The red berry coulis is a wonderful and simple sauce, and frankly the cheesecake is much the poorer for not having it, particularly as this one had a slightly over-sweet base.

Cheesecake from

Red Berry Coulis from Sauces – Michel Roux, pg. ?

Gingernut from Bread, Cake, Doughnut, Pudding- Justin Gellatly, pg. ?