This is a triumph, honestly. I’m continually impressed by the recipes in The Doctor’s Kitchen, they are always so well considered and packed with flavour.
This was done exactly as described except for two items:
Firstly, I probably quadrupled the quantity of cherry tomatoes in the salsa and have no regrets.
And secondly, due to a lapse in organisation I failed to thaw the peas… But I charged on regardless and found that it created the most delightful, sweet and sharp granita that worked actually incredibly well. This would work with so many dishes, possibly more suited to the summer, but I will absolutely repeat the happy accident whenever some such accompaniment is required.
This recipe also revealed to me a limitation of my oven, whereby it will not operate the grill without the door closed. This is particularly annoying if using wooden skewers, and results in the house smelling like an open fire for a good time afterwards. Which as it happens I find just great, but your milage may vary. At the least let this be a warning from the past.
From The Doctor’s Kitchen, pg. 218